chip n. 1.碎片,削片,薄片;碎屑;薄木片;无价值的东西。 2.(陶器等的)缺损(处)。 3.(赌博用)筹码;〔pl.〕〔英俚〕钱。 4.〔pl.〕〔口语〕炸马铃薯片。 5.(作燃料的)干牛[马]粪。 6.集成电路唱片[块]。 7.〔口语〕小粒金刚石[水晶]。 a chip of [off] the old block (脾气等)完全像父亲的儿子;一家的典型人物。 (as) dry as a chip 枯燥无味的。 buy chips 投资。 cash [pass] in one's chips 把筹码兑现;〔俚语〕死。 chip in porridge [pottage, broth] 无关重要的东西,可有可无的东西。 do not care a chip for 毫不介意。 have a chip on one's shoulder 〔美俚〕盛气凌人;好打架;好争吵。 have one's chips on 孤注一掷。 in the chips 〔美俚〕有钱的。 let the chips fall where they may 不管后果如何。 when the chips are down [get on the line] 万不得已的时候,紧急时候。 vt. (-pp-) 1.切,削,凿,刻。 2.把…削成薄片;弄缺(刀口,瓷器等)。 3.〔口语〕戏弄;挖苦。 4.(鸡雏等)啄碎(蛋壳)。 vi. 1.出现缺口。 2.碎裂,瓦解,破碎 (off)。 chip at 对准…打,谩骂。 chip in 〔口语〕插嘴,加入(打架等);捐助;拿钱赌 (They all chipped in to buy it. 大家都要买了)。 chip off 切下来,削下来。 n. (摔跤时)用绊腿把对方摔倒的一种技巧。 vt. (-pp-) (用绊腿)摔倒(对方)。
Self programmable one chip microprocessor 自动程序单芯片微处理
By focusing on commercial workloads , it was able to implement functions on one chip that had previously required seven 由于对商业应用的专著,原来需要使用7个芯片的功能现在只需要一个芯片就可以实现。
The time division circuit and latch counter are integrated in one chip of programmable logic device , which makes the size greatly decreased 同时采用cpld芯片实现了时间分割电路和计数锁存电路,有效地减小了电路体积。
The amplifier adopted the three - stage structure , and the first stage used one chip , the second stage used two chip in parallel , the third stage used four chip in parallel 该功放模块采用三级放大结构,第一级采用一个管芯,第二级并联两个管芯,第三级并联四个管芯。
Especially since 1990s , verification of ic has become more complicated for the development of soc technology , which makes more chips be integrated in one chip 特别是自上个世纪90年代以来, soc ( systemonachip )技术的迅速发展,使得同一块芯片上可能集成非常复杂的系统,验证就变得更加复杂。
Integrating special function block in one chip can greatly promote the system integrated and eliminate any kinds of emi . it is a significant research to design asic and re - used ip core based on pld 研制基于可编程逻辑器件的asic芯片以及功能可复用的ip核是具有实际意义的探索性工作。
Cmos technics is mainstream technics in vlsi , which owes high integration and integrates many functions into one chip . only one chip can complete full electric functions Cmos工艺是超大规模集成电路的主流工艺,集成度高,可以根据需要将多种功能集成在一块芯片上,单芯片就可以完成摄像机全部功能。
Cmos process is used to realize the one chip integration of the sensor array and processing circuits , which accords with the development direction of soc ( system on a chip ) and smart sensor 传感器使用标准cmos工艺制造,将传感阵列与信号处理电路集成在同一芯片上,可以实现传感器的soc集成和智能化( smartsensor )设计。
Because of the embeded soft core , the function of the control system can change with varying demands of the application . that makes it possible to integrate the quantum communication algorithm into one chip 由于系统是采用软核做芯片,所以系统功能能随着应用需求灵活变动,使系统集成量子通讯算法在单一芯片上成为可能。
First , the state - of - the - art of spic is presented 。 smart power ic ( spic ) , which combines the power devices into low - voltage control circuits , drive circuits as well as protection circuits in one chip 智能功率集成电路spic ( smartpoweric )是一种将功率器件与低压逻辑控制电路集成及相关的驱动保护电路集成在一块芯片上的智能化控制芯片。